Almost in every web application sending automated email by system is the common requirement. So, it’s very common and important part that must be known by developer. The simple example, when a visitor to your website fills out a enquiry form. mail function return a boolen value, return true if email sent successfully, false otherwise…
Read MoreThe basic task of both cookies and sessions is to store visitor data so that it can be accessed by every page on a website. Cookies: Cookies are small text files that are stored in the visitor’s browser for a specific time or for a long -lifespan. Cookies can be edited by the visitor. in…
Read MoreThe Include() and require() statements are used to insert codes written in other files, in the flow of execution. The main of using include and require functions to integrate one page code or content into another page. You can maintain usually some repeated functionality in the form of PHP file and finally you can call…
Read MoreAjax (Asynchronous Java script And XML) Introduction In Jesse Garrett’s original article that coined the term, it was AJAX. The “X” in AJAX really stands for XML HTTP Request though, and not XML. Jesse later conceded that Ajax should be a word and not an acronym and updated his article to reflect his change in heart. So “Ajax”…
Read MoreNumeric Data Types: INT (Integer): Int data type represents an integer of normal size. So simply it can used to store numeric value. There are also BIGINT, MEDIUMINT, SMALLINT and TINYINT which represent different range of integer values. DECIMAL: Decimal data type represents numbers with specific floating values. Maximum permitted value is 65 and maximum…
Read MoreDifference Between while and do…while Loop: With a while loop, the condition to be evaluated is tested at the beginning of each loop statement, so if the conditional expression evaluates to false, the loop will never be executed. With a do-while loop, on the other hand, the loop will always be executed once, even if…
Read MoreA While loop is used when we have to repeat a set of statements as long as the condition is false. It could be the best where number of repetition is not known earlier or in advance. It can be explain in plain English as “Keep doing something until a condition is true”. Syntax: while…
Read MoreIf –else statements: if…else statement – executes set of codes if a condition is true and another code if the condition is false Within a statement, if a certain condition is true, then something happens. Otherwise, something else happens. We can continue adding else statements as many times as we need. So, within PHP statement,…
Read MorePHP for loop can be used to traverse set of code for the specified number of times. For example if you want to repeat something ten or twenty times. It should be used if number of iteration is known otherwise I recommend you to use while loop. Syntax: for (Initialization; Condition; Progressive) { //set of…
Read MoreWe already learned about variables, but there are some Readymade or predefined keywords in PHP that can be used without you having to create them first. Predefined or Superglobals variables are used to provide information from and about the web server, the web browser, and the user. There are several types of Super Global Variables:-…
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