The While Loop

A While loop is used when we have to repeat a set of statements as long as the condition is false. It could be the best where number of repetition is not known earlier or in advance. It can be explain in plain English as “Keep doing something until a condition is true”. Syntax: while…

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PHP -Building Blocks

If –else statements: if…else statement – executes set of codes if a condition is true and another code if the condition is false Within a statement, if a certain condition is true, then something happens. Otherwise, something else happens. We can continue adding else statements as many times as we need. So, within PHP statement,…

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The For Loop

PHP for loop can be used to traverse set of code for the specified number of times. For example if you want to repeat something ten or twenty times. It should be used if number of iteration is known otherwise I recommend you to use while loop. Syntax: for (Initialization; Condition; Progressive) { //set of…

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PHP Superglobals

We already learned about variables, but there are some Readymade or predefined keywords in PHP that can be used without you having to create them first. Predefined or Superglobals variables are used to provide information from and about the web server, the web browser, and the user. There are several types of Super Global Variables:-…

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Arrays in PHP

An array is a data structure that stores similar type of values in a common variable. Arrays are also called homogeneous data type. For example if you want to store 50 numbers then instead of defining variables it is easy to define an array with size of 50. In PHP, the array() function is used…

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